Bag of Words

Donated on 3/11/2008

This data set contains five text collections in the form of bags-of-words.

Dataset Characteristics


Subject Area


Associated Tasks


Feature Type


# Instances


# Features


Dataset Information

Additional Information

For each text collection, D is the number of documents, W is the number of words in the vocabulary, and N is the total number of words in the collection (below, NNZ is the number of nonzero counts in the bag-of-words). After tokenization and removal of stopwords, the vocabulary of unique words was truncated by only keeping words that occurred more than ten times. Individual document names (i.e. a identifier for each docID) are not provided for copyright reasons. These data sets have no class labels, and for copyright reasons no filenames or other document-level metadata. These data sets are ideal for clustering and topic modeling experiments. For each text collection we provide docword.*.txt (the bag of words file in sparse format) and vocab.*.txt (the vocab file). Enron Emails: orig source: D=39861 W=28102 N=6,400,000 (approx) NIPS full papers: orig source: D=1500 W=12419 N=1,900,000 (approx) KOS blog entries: orig source: D=3430 W=6906 N=467714 NYTimes news articles: orig source: D=300000 W=102660 N=100,000,000 (approx) PubMed abstracts: orig source: D=8200000 W=141043 N=730,000,000 (approx)

Has Missing Values?


Variable Information

The format of the docword.*.txt file is 3 header lines, followed by NNZ triples: --- D W NNZ docID wordID count docID wordID count docID wordID count docID wordID count ... docID wordID count docID wordID count docID wordID count --- The format of the vocab.*.txt file is line <n> contains wordID=n.

Dataset Files

docword.pubmed.txt.gz1.7 GB
docword.nytimes.txt.gz223.4 MB
docword.enron.txt.gz11.7 MB
docword.nips.txt.gz2.2 MB
vocab.pubmed.txt1.4 MB

0 to 5 of 11

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By Mohamed-Rafik Bouguelia, Slawomir Nowaczyk, K. Santosh, Antanas Verikas. 2018

Published in Int. J. Machine Learning & Cybernetics.

Ontology Based Document Clustering Using MapReduce

By Abdelrahman Elsayed, Hoda Mokhtar, Osama Ismail. 2015

Published in The International Journal of Database Management Systems (IJDMS), April 2015, Volume 7, Number 2.

Netgram: Visualizing Communities in Evolving Networks

By Raghvendra Mall, Rocco Langone, Johan Suykens, Renaud Lambiotte. 2015

Published in PloS one.

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David Newman


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