PAMAP2 Physical Activity Monitoring

Donated on 8/5/2012

The PAMAP2 Physical Activity Monitoring dataset contains data of 18 different physical activities, performed by 9 subjects wearing 3 inertial measurement units and a heart rate monitor.

Dataset Characteristics

Multivariate, Time-Series

Subject Area

Computer Science

Associated Tasks


Feature Type


# Instances


# Features


Dataset Information

Additional Information

The PAMAP2 Physical Activity Monitoring dataset contains data of 18 different physical activities (such as walking, cycling, playing soccer, etc.), performed by 9 subjects wearing 3 inertial measurement units and a heart rate monitor. The dataset can be used for activity recognition and intensity estimation, while developing and applying algorithms of data processing, segmentation, feature extraction and classification. ** Sensors ** 3 Colibri wireless inertial measurement units (IMU): - sampling frequency: 100Hz - position of the sensors: - 1 IMU over the wrist on the dominant arm - 1 IMU on the chest - 1 IMU on the dominant side's ankle HR-monitor: - sampling frequency: ~9Hz ** Data collection protocol ** Each of the subjects had to follow a protocol, containing 12 different activities. The folder “Protocol” contains these recordings by subject. Furthermore, some of the subjects also performed a few optional activities. The folder “Optional” contains these recordings by subject. ** Data files ** Raw sensory data can be found in space-separated text-files (.dat), 1 data file per subject per session (protocol or optional). Missing values are indicated with NaN. One line in the data files correspond to one timestamped and labeled instance of sensory data. The data files contain 54 columns: each line consists of a timestamp, an activity label (the ground truth) and 52 attributes of raw sensory data.

Has Missing Values?


Introductory Paper

Introducing a New Benchmarked Dataset for Activity Monitoring

By Attila Reiss, D. Stricker. 2012

Published in International Semantic Web Conference

Variables Table

Variable NameRoleTypeDescriptionUnitsMissing Values

0 to 10 of 52

Additional Variable Information

The 54 columns in the data files are organized as follows: 1. timestamp (s) 2. activityID (see below for the mapping to the activities) 3. heart rate (bpm) 4-20. IMU hand 21-37. IMU chest 38-54. IMU ankle The IMU sensory data contains the following columns: 1. temperature (°C) 2-4. 3D-acceleration data (ms-2), scale: ±16g, resolution: 13-bit 5-7. 3D-acceleration data (ms-2), scale: ±6g, resolution: 13-bit 8-10. 3D-gyroscope data (rad/s) 11-13. 3D-magnetometer data (μT) 14-17. orientation (invalid in this data collection) List of activityIDs and corresponding activities: 1 lying 2 sitting 3 standing 4 walking 5 running 6 cycling 7 Nordic walking 9 watching TV 10 computer work 11 car driving 12 ascending stairs 13 descending stairs 16 vacuum cleaning 17 ironing 18 folding laundry 19 house cleaning 20 playing soccer 24 rope jumping 0 other (transient activities)

Dataset Files

PAMAP2_Dataset.zip656.3 MB
readme.pdf57.7 KB


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Attila Reiss


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