Refractive errors

Donated on 4/26/2020

Effect of life style and genetic on eye refractive errors.

Dataset Characteristics


Subject Area

Health and Medicine

Associated Tasks


Feature Type


# Instances


# Features


Dataset Information

Additional Information

The aim of this dataset is to study the impact of personal lifestyle and genetic on eye refractive errors. This dataset is gathered from forms filled by 467 individual. First sheet contains information of 210 people suffering from eye refractive errors and the second sheet contains the information of the remaining 257 participants, who had a healthy eye condition. For being more precise, we asked participants, who had refractive errors, to fill information about their lifestyle before being affected by eye refractive errors.

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Variable Information

Attributes ending by _B indicate the past lifestyle for individuals with refractive error. classes: R.type Refractive error type: {myopia}, {astigmatism}, {hyperopia}, {astigmatism,hyperopia}, {astigmatism,myopia} R.type.myopia T,F R.type.hyperopia T,F R.type.astigmatism T,F other variables: R.editVisionOperation T, F, lasek R.glasses Int R.Fglasses Int N.dairy cat: 0, 1, 2 N.vegetable cat: 0, 1, 2 N.seafood cat: 0, 1, 2 N.nuts cat: 0, 1, 2 A.Dreading_N cat: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 A.Dreading_B cat: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 A.computer_N cat: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 A.computer_B cat: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 A.TV_N cat: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 A.TV cat: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 A.focus cat: Yes, No, the activity A.focus.yes T,F A.dark T,F A.dark_N T,F D.Edamage no, yes, the eye damage name D.Edisease_N no, yes, the eye disease name D.Edisease_B no, yes, the eye disease name D.Sdisease_N no, yes, the other disease name D.Sdisease_B no, yes, the other disease name D.allergy_N T,F D.allergy_B T,F D.allergy.seasonalAllergy T,F D.allergy.skinAllergy T,F D.allergy.hives T,F D.drug_N no, yes, drugs name D.drug_N.familyDrug no, yes, drugs name D.drug_B no, yes, drugs name D.drug.familyDrug no, yes, drugs name D.drug.familyDrug.vitamins T,F D.drug.familyDrug.birth control pills T,F D.drug.familyDrug.cardiovascular T,F D.drug.familyDrug.antiepileptics T,F D.drug.familyDrug.antidepressants T,F D.drug.familyDrug.thyroid T,F D.drug.familyDrug.gastrointestina T,F O.inherit.mother T,F O.inherit.father T,F O.inherit.sisterOrBrother T,F O.inherit.auntOrUncle T,F O.inherit.grandFatherOrMother T,F O.inherit.cousin T,F O.inherit cat: the relationship of the relative with eye disease problem hot, cold, mild & humid O.pollution T,F L.smoking_B T,F L.smoking_N T,F L.alcohol_B T,F L.alcohol_N T,F L.Isunglasses_B T,F L.Isunglasses_N T,F (using any sun-glass) L.Ssunglasses_B T,F L.Ssunglasses_N T,F (using only standard sun-glasses) L.makeup_B T,F L.makeup_N T,F L.lences_B T,F L.lences_N T,F P.gender 0 (F),1 (M) P.age_B Int P.age_N Int P.height Int P.weight Int P.city_N city name P.city_B city name P.state state name cat: 0, 1, 2, 3 P.job job name P.job.collegian T,F P.job.employee T,F work T,F P.job.student T,F professor T,F from how the form is filled: internet, alborz, iust, hakim

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