OpinRank Review Dataset

Donated on 7/25/2011

This data set contains user reviews of cars and and hotels collected from Tripadvisor (~259,000 reviews) and Edmunds (~42,230 reviews).

Dataset Characteristics


Subject Area

Computer Science

Associated Tasks


Feature Type


# Instances


# Features


Dataset Information

Additional Information

Car Reviews ------------ -Full reviews of cars for model-years 2007, 2008, and 2009 -There are about 140-250 cars for each model year -Extracted fields include dates, author names, favorites and the full textual review -Total number of reviews: ~42,230 Hotel Reviews -------------- -Full reviews of hotels in 10 different cities (Dubai, Beijing, London, New York City, New Delhi, San Francisco, Shanghai, Montreal, Las Vegas, Chicago) -There are about 80-700 hotels in each city -Extracted fields include date, review title and the full review -Total number of reviews: ~259,000

Has Missing Values?


Dataset Files

OpinRankDataset.zip97.5 MB
OpinRankDataset.pdf70.6 KB


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Kavita Ganesan

ChengXiang Zhai


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