Turkish Crowdfunding Startups
Donated on 7/2/2024
This dataset contains data on crowdfunding campaigns in Turkey. The dataset includes various characteristics such as crowdfunding projects, project descriptions, targeted and raised funds, campaign durations, and number of backers. Collected in 2022, this dataset provides a valuable resource for researchers who want to understand and analyze the crowdfunding ecosystem in Turkey. In total, there are data from more than 1500 projects on 6 different platforms. The dataset is particularly useful for training natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning models. This dataset is an important reference point for studies on the characteristics of successful crowdfunding campaigns and provides comprehensive information for entrepreneurs, investors and researchers in Turkey.
Dataset Characteristics
Subject Area
Associated Tasks
Classification, Regression, Clustering
Feature Type
Real, Categorical, Integer
# Instances
# Features
Dataset Information
Has Missing Values?
Introductory Paper
By Murat Kilinc, Can Aydin. 2023
Published in Electronic Commerce and Research Applications
Variables Table
Variable Name | Role | Type | Description | Units | Missing Values |
id | Feature | Integer | no | ||
platform_adi | Feature | Categorical | no | ||
kitle_fonlamasi_turu | Feature | Categorical | no | ||
kategori | Feature | Categorical | no | ||
fon_sekli | Feature | Categorical | no | ||
proje_adi | Feature | Categorical | no | ||
proje_sahibi | Feature | Categorical | no | ||
proje_sahibi_cinsiyet | Feature | Categorical | no | ||
kac_proje_destekledi | Feature | Binary | no | ||
kac_projeye_abone | Feature | Binary | no |
0 to 10 of 38
Additional Variable Information
id: The unique identifier of the project. platform_adi: The crowdfunding platform where the project is hosted. kitle_fonlamasi_turu: Type of crowdfunding (e.g., reward, donation). kategori: Category of the project. fon_sekli: Funding method (e.g., all or nothing). proje_adi: Project name. proje_sahibi: Name of the project owner. proje_sahibi_cinsiyet: Gender of the project owner. kac_proje_destekledi: Number of projects the owner has backed. kac_projeye_abone: Number of projects the owner has subscribed to. kac_projenin_sahibi: Number of projects owned by the project owner. kac_proje_takiminda: Number of teams the project owner is part of. konum: Location of the project owner. bolge: Region of the project. yil: Year the project was launched. proje_baslama_tarihi: Start date of the project. proje_bitis_tarihi: End date of the project. gun_sayisi: Duration of the project in days. tanitim_videosu: Whether the project has a promotional video. video_uzunlugu: Length of the promotional video. gorsel_sayisi: Number of images related to the project. sss: Whether the project has a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section. guncellemeler: Number of updates for the project. yorumlar: Number of comments on the project. destekci_sayisi: Number of backers for the project. odul_sayisi: Number of rewards offered in the project. ekip_kisi_sayisi: Number of people in the project team. web_sitesi: Whether the project has a website. sosyal_medya: Whether the project has social media accounts. sm_sayisi: Number of social media accounts for the project. sm_takipci: Number of social media followers for the project. etiket_sayisi: Number of tags used in the project description. icerik_kelime_sayisi: Number of words in the project description. proje_aciklamasi: Description of the project. hedef_miktari: Target amount of funding for the project. toplanan_tutar: Amount of funding collected for the project. destek_orani: Percentage of the target amount achieved. basari_durumu: Success status of the project (successful or unsuccessful).
Class Labels
kitle_fonlamasi_turu: reward, donation kategori: other, technology, art, music, film, games, fashion, food and beverage, publishing, design, photography fon_sekli: all or nothing, flexible proje_sahibi_cinsiyet: male, female, unknown konum: (all locations by cities) bolge: Marmara, Aegean, Mediterranean, Central Anatolia, Eastern Anatolia, Southeastern Anatolia, Black Sea basari_durumu: successful, unsuccessful
Dataset Files
File | Size |
turkishCF.csv | 556.6 KB |
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pip install ucimlrepo
from ucimlrepo import fetch_ucirepo # fetch dataset turkish_crowdfunding_startups = fetch_ucirepo(id=1025) # data (as pandas dataframes) X = turkish_crowdfunding_startups.data.features y = turkish_crowdfunding_startups.data.targets # metadata print(turkish_crowdfunding_startups.metadata) # variable information print(turkish_crowdfunding_startups.variables)
Kilinc, M. & Aydin, C. (2023). Turkish Crowdfunding Startups [Dataset]. UCI Machine Learning Repository. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.elerap.2023.101340.
Murat Kilinc
Manisa Celal Bayar University
Can Aydin
Dokuz Eylul University
This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
This allows for the sharing and adaptation of the datasets for any purpose, provided that the appropriate credit is given.