Amazon Access Samples

Donated on 9/12/2011

Amazon's InfoSec is getting smarter about the way Access data is leveraged. This is an anonymized sample of access provisioned within the company.

Dataset Characteristics

Time-Series, Domain-Theory

Subject Area


Associated Tasks

Regression, Clustering, Causal-Discovery

Feature Type


# Instances


# Features


Dataset Information

Additional Information

This is a sparse data set, less than 10% of the attributes are used for each sample. The link is to a '*.tgz' file which contains two files: [amzn-anon-access-samples-2.0.csv] this file contains the access for users [amzn-anon-access-samples-history-2.0.csv] this file contains the access history for a given user

Has Missing Values?


Variable Information

__amzn-anon-access-samples-2.0.csv__ This is a sparse data set containing users and their assigned access. The file contains 4 categories of attributes. 1) [PERSON_{ATTRIBUTE}] This category describes the 'user' who was given access. The [PERSON_ID] column is the primary key column for the file. There is one row per user. PERSON_ID: id of the user PERSON_MGR_ID: id of the user's manager PERSON_ROLLUP_1: user grouping id PERSON_ROLLUP_2: user grouping id PERSON_ROLLUP_3: user grouping id PERSON_DEPTNAME: department desciption id PERSON_LOCATION: region id PERSON_BUSINESS_TITLE: title id PERSON_BUSINESS_TITLE_DETAIL: description id PERSON_JOB_CODE: job code id PERSON_COMPANY: company id PERSON_JOB_FAMILY: job family id 2) [RESOURCE_{ID}] This category of attributes are the resources that a users can possibly have access to. A user will have a 1 in this column if the have access to it otherwise it will be 0. 3) [GROUP_{ID}] - This category of attributes are the groups that a users can possibly have access to. A user will have a 1 in this column if the have access to it otherwise it will be 0. 4) [SYSTEM_SUPPORT_{ID}] - This category of attributes are the system that a user can possibly be supporting. A user will have a 1 in this column if the have can possibly be supporting it, otherwise it will be 0. __amzn-anon-access-samples-history-2.0.csv__ Permissions Time series data. Here is a short description of the columns: ACTION: either 'remove_access' or 'add_access' TARGET_NAME: either the {RESOURCE_ID} or {GROUP_ID} LOGIN: the id of the user that is obtaining or losing access REQUEST_DATE: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS AUTHORIZATION_DATE: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

Dataset Files

amzn-anon-access-samples.tgz11.7 MB

Papers Citing this Dataset

The Next 700 Policy Miners: A Universal Method for Building Policy Miners

By Carlos Cotrini, Luca Corinzia, Thilo Weghorn, David Basin. 2019

Published in ArXiv.

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Ken Montanez


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