EMG dataset in Lower Limb
Donated on 2/4/2014
3 different exercises: sitting, standing and walking in the muscles: biceps femoris, vastus medialis, rectus femoris and semitendinosus addition to goniometry in the exercises.
Dataset Characteristics
Multivariate, Time-Series
Subject Area
Computer Science
Associated Tasks
Feature Type
# Instances
# Features
Dataset Information
Additional Information
2. Information database: 2.1. Protocol: 22 male subjects , 11 with different knee abnormalities previously diagnosed by a professional. They undergo three movements to analyze the behavior associated with the knee muscle , gait , leg extension from a sitting position , and flexion of the leg up. The acquisition process was conducted with 4 electrodes ( Vastus Medialis , semitendinosus , biceps femoris and rectus femoris ) and the goniometer in the knee . 2.2. Instrumentation Datalog equipment was used MWX8 by Biometrics of 8 digital channels and 4 analog channels , of which 4 for sampling were used SEMG and 1 for goniometry, these data were acquired directly to the computer MWX8 internal storage with microSD card and transmitted in Real-time Datalog software through bluetooth adapter , 14-bit resolution and sampling frequency of 1000Hz . 2.3. Data configuration: The total number of electrodes is 4, corresponding to the time series one for each channel (1 to 4). Each series contains ~ 5 shares or motion repetitions for each subject.
Has Missing Values?
Variable Information
Each data file contains 5 columns, organized as follows. Segment Lower Limb Channel Ch1 Ch2 Ch3 Ch4 Ch5 Muscle RF BF VM ST FX Column 0 1 2 3 4
Dataset Files
File | Size |
SEMG_DB1.rar | 13.8 MB |
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pip install ucimlrepo
from ucimlrepo import fetch_ucirepo # fetch dataset emg_dataset_in_lower_limb = fetch_ucirepo(id=278) # data (as pandas dataframes) X = emg_dataset_in_lower_limb.data.features y = emg_dataset_in_lower_limb.data.targets # metadata print(emg_dataset_in_lower_limb.metadata) # variable information print(emg_dataset_in_lower_limb.variables)
Sanchez, O. & Sotelo, J. (2014). EMG dataset in Lower Limb [Dataset]. UCI Machine Learning Repository. https://doi.org/10.24432/C5ZW3P.
Oscar Sanchez
Jose Sotelo
This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
This allows for the sharing and adaptation of the datasets for any purpose, provided that the appropriate credit is given.