Donated on 5/25/2016
The DrivFace contains images sequences of subjects while driving in real scenarios. It is composed of 606 samples of 640×480, acquired over different days from 4 drivers with several facial features.
Dataset Characteristics
Subject Area
Computer Science
Associated Tasks
Classification, Regression, Clustering
Feature Type
# Instances
# Features
Dataset Information
Additional Information
The DrivFace database contains images sequences of subjects while driving in real scenarios. It is composed of 606 samples of 640×480 pixels each, acquired over different days from 4 drivers (2 women and 2 men) with several facial features like glasses and beard. Additional files: drivFace.mat contains the dataset in Matlab (under prtools library) with the driver faces normalised to 80x80 pixels each and their associated gaze direction labels “looking-rightâ€, “frontal†and “looking-leftâ€.
Has Missing Values?
Variable Information
The ground truth contains the annotation of the face bounding box and the facial key points (eyes, nose and mouth). A set of labels assigning each image into 3 possible gaze direction classes are given. The first class is the “looking-right†class and contains the head angles between -45º and -30º. The second one is the “frontal†class and contains the head angles between -15º and 15º. The last one is the “looking-left†class and contains the head angles between 30º and 45º. Files and scripts • DrivImages.zip has the driver images. The imag's name has the format: * YearMonthDay_subject_Driv_imNum_HeadPose.jpg i.e. 20130529_01_Driv_011_f .jpg is a frame of the fisrts driver corresponding to the 11 sequence's image and the head pose is frontal. subject = [1:4], imNum = [001:...], HeadPose = lr (looking-right), f (frontal) and lf (looking-left). • drivPoints.txt contains the ground truth in table's format, where the columns have the follow information: * fileName is the imagen's name into DrivImages.zip * subject = [1:4] * imgNum = int * label = [1/2/3] (head pose class that corresponding to [lr/f/lf], respectively) * ang = [-45, -30/ -15 0 15/ 30 15] (head pose angle) * [xF yF wF hF] = face position * [xRE yRE] = rigth eye position * [xLE yL] = left eye position * [xN yN] = Nose position * [xRM yRM] = rigth corner of mouth * [xLM yLM] = left corner of mouth • read_drivPoints.m is a Matlab function to read the drivPoints file. You can also use: * Table = readtable('drivPoints.txt'); • drivFace.mat contains the dataset in Matlab (under prtools library) with the driver faces normalised to 80x80 pixels each and their associated gaze direction labels “looking-rightâ€, “frontal†and “looking-leftâ€.
Dataset Files
File | Size |
DrivFace/DrivImages.zip | 18.4 MB |
DrivFace/DrivFace.mat | 6.9 MB |
DrivFace/drivPoints.txt | 53.9 KB |
DrivFace/read_drivPoints.m | 4.9 KB |
DrivFace/readme.txt | 2.8 KB |
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pip install ucimlrepo
from ucimlrepo import fetch_ucirepo # fetch dataset drivface = fetch_ucirepo(id=378) # data (as pandas dataframes) X = drivface.data.features y = drivface.data.targets # metadata print(drivface.metadata) # variable information print(drivface.variables)
Hernndez-Sabat, A., Lpez, A., & Diaz-Chito, K. (2016). DrivFace [Dataset]. UCI Machine Learning Repository. https://doi.org/10.24432/C5XC7Q.
Aura Hernndez-Sabat
Antonio Lpez
Katerine Diaz-Chito
This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
This allows for the sharing and adaptation of the datasets for any purpose, provided that the appropriate credit is given.