Burst Header Packet (BHP) flooding attack on Optical Burst Switching (OBS) Network
Donated on 8/27/2017
One of the primary challenges in identifying the risks of the Burst Header Packet (BHP) flood attacks in Optical Burst Switching networks (OBS) is the scarcity of reliable historical data.
Dataset Characteristics
Subject Area
Computer Science
Associated Tasks
Feature Type
# Instances
# Features
Dataset Information
Additional Information
For Further information about the variables see the file in the data folder.
Has Missing Values?
Variable Information
1. Node: This is the number of the sending node (numeric). 2. Utilized Bandwidth Rate: This is the normalization of ‘Used_Bandidth’ (numeric). 3. Packet Drop Rate: This is the normalization of ‘Percentage_Of_Lost_Pcaket_Rate’ (numeric). 4. Reserved_Bandwidth: Initial reserved Bandwidth assigned (given) to each node, the user (usr) in the experiments assign these values. (numeric). 5. Average_Delay_Time_Per_Sec: Average Delay Time (per second) for each node. This is (End-to End Delay). (numeric). 6. Percentage_Of_Lost_Pcaket_Rate: Percentage of Packets Drop Rate for each node (numeric). 7. Percentage_Of_Lost_Byte_Rate: Percentage of Lost Byte Rate for each node (numeric). 8. Packet Received Rate: Total received packets (per second) for each node based on ‘Reserved_Bandwidth’ (numeric). 9. Used_Bandwidth: This is what each node could reserve from the ‘Reserved_Bandwidth’ (numeric). 10. Lost_Bandwidth: The amount of lost Bandwidth by each node from ‘Reserved_Bandwidth’ (numeric). 11. Packet Size_Byte: Packets size in Byte assigned specifically for each node to transmit. Note: 60 Byte will be added to the 1440 for the IP Header and the UDP Header ((Data size 1440 Byte) + (IP Header 40 Byte) + (UDP Header 20 Byte)) =1500 Byte (numeric). 12. Packet_Transmitted: Total transmitted packets (per second) for each node based on the ‘Reserved_Bandwidth’ (numeric). 13. Packet_Received: Total received packets (per second) for each node based on the ‘Reserved_Bandwidth’ (numeric). 14. Packet_lost: Total lost packets (per second) for each node, which based on the ‘Lost_Bandwidth’ (numeric). 15. Transmitted_Byte: Total transmitted Byte (per second) for each node (numeric). 16. Received_Byte: Total received Byte (per second) for each node based on the ‘Reserved_Bandwidth’ (numeric). 17. 10-Run-AVG-Drop-Rate: Average packet drop rate for 10 consecutive (run) iterations (numeric). 18. 10-Run-AVG-Bandwidth-Use: Average Bandwidth utilized for 10 consecutive (run) iterations (numeric). 19. 10-Run-Delay: Average delay time for 10 consecutive (run) iterations (numeric). 20. Node Status' {B, NB, P NB}: initial classification of nodes based on ‘Packet Drop Rate’, Used_Bandwidth and ‘Average_Delay_Time_Per_Sec’. B = Behaving, NB = Not Behaving and P NB = Potentially Not Behaving. (Categorical) 21. Flood Status: Percentage of flood per node based on ‘Packet Drop Rate’ Medium and high level of BHP flood attack in case B (numeric). 22. Class ' {NB-No Block, Block, No Block, NB-Wait}: The final classification of nodes based on ‘Packet Drop Rate’, ‘Reserved_Bandwidth’, ‘Iteration #’, ‘Used_Bandwidth’, ‘Packet Drop Rate’. This is for case B (Categorical ).
Dataset Files
File | Size |
OBS-Network-DataSet_2_Aug27.arff | 179.4 KB |
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pip install ucimlrepo
from ucimlrepo import fetch_ucirepo # fetch dataset burst_header_packet_bhp_flooding_attack_on_optical_burst_switching_obs_network = fetch_ucirepo(id=404) # data (as pandas dataframes) X = burst_header_packet_bhp_flooding_attack_on_optical_burst_switching_obs_network.data.features y = burst_header_packet_bhp_flooding_attack_on_optical_burst_switching_obs_network.data.targets # metadata print(burst_header_packet_bhp_flooding_attack_on_optical_burst_switching_obs_network.metadata) # variable information print(burst_header_packet_bhp_flooding_attack_on_optical_burst_switching_obs_network.variables)
Rajab, A. (2016). Burst Header Packet (BHP) flooding attack on Optical Burst Switching (OBS) Network [Dataset]. UCI Machine Learning Repository. https://doi.org/10.24432/C51C81.
Adel Rajab
This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
This allows for the sharing and adaptation of the datasets for any purpose, provided that the appropriate credit is given.