Heart Disease

Donated on 6/30/1988

4 databases: Cleveland, Hungary, Switzerland, and the VA Long Beach

Dataset Characteristics


Subject Area

Health and Medicine

Associated Tasks


Feature Type

Categorical, Integer, Real

# Instances


# Features


Dataset Information

Additional Information

This database contains 76 attributes, but all published experiments refer to using a subset of 14 of them. In particular, the Cleveland database is the only one that has been used by ML researchers to date. The "goal" field refers to the presence of heart disease in the patient. It is integer valued from 0 (no presence) to 4. Experiments with the Cleveland database have concentrated on simply attempting to distinguish presence (values 1,2,3,4) from absence (value 0). The names and social security numbers of the patients were recently removed from the database, replaced with dummy values. One file has been "processed", that one containing the Cleveland database. All four unprocessed files also exist in this directory. To see Test Costs (donated by Peter Turney), please see the folder "Costs"

Has Missing Values?


Introductory Paper

International application of a new probability algorithm for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease.

By R. Detrano, A. Jánosi, W. Steinbrunn, M. Pfisterer, J. Schmid, S. Sandhu, K. Guppy, S. Lee, V. Froelicher. 1989

Published in American Journal of Cardiology

Variables Table

Variable NameRoleTypeDemographicDescriptionUnitsMissing Values
trestbpsFeatureIntegerresting blood pressure (on admission to the hospital)mm Hgno
cholFeatureIntegerserum cholestoralmg/dlno
fbsFeatureCategoricalfasting blood sugar > 120 mg/dlno
thalachFeatureIntegermaximum heart rate achievedno
exangFeatureCategoricalexercise induced anginano
oldpeakFeatureIntegerST depression induced by exercise relative to restno

0 to 10 of 14

Additional Variable Information

Only 14 attributes used: 1. #3 (age) 2. #4 (sex) 3. #9 (cp) 4. #10 (trestbps) 5. #12 (chol) 6. #16 (fbs) 7. #19 (restecg) 8. #32 (thalach) 9. #38 (exang) 10. #40 (oldpeak) 11. #41 (slope) 12. #44 (ca) 13. #51 (thal) 14. #58 (num) (the predicted attribute) Complete attribute documentation: 1 id: patient identification number 2 ccf: social security number (I replaced this with a dummy value of 0) 3 age: age in years 4 sex: sex (1 = male; 0 = female) 5 painloc: chest pain location (1 = substernal; 0 = otherwise) 6 painexer (1 = provoked by exertion; 0 = otherwise) 7 relrest (1 = relieved after rest; 0 = otherwise) 8 pncaden (sum of 5, 6, and 7) 9 cp: chest pain type -- Value 1: typical angina -- Value 2: atypical angina -- Value 3: non-anginal pain -- Value 4: asymptomatic 10 trestbps: resting blood pressure (in mm Hg on admission to the hospital) 11 htn 12 chol: serum cholestoral in mg/dl 13 smoke: I believe this is 1 = yes; 0 = no (is or is not a smoker) 14 cigs (cigarettes per day) 15 years (number of years as a smoker) 16 fbs: (fasting blood sugar > 120 mg/dl) (1 = true; 0 = false) 17 dm (1 = history of diabetes; 0 = no such history) 18 famhist: family history of coronary artery disease (1 = yes; 0 = no) 19 restecg: resting electrocardiographic results -- Value 0: normal -- Value 1: having ST-T wave abnormality (T wave inversions and/or ST elevation or depression of > 0.05 mV) -- Value 2: showing probable or definite left ventricular hypertrophy by Estes' criteria 20 ekgmo (month of exercise ECG reading) 21 ekgday(day of exercise ECG reading) 22 ekgyr (year of exercise ECG reading) 23 dig (digitalis used furing exercise ECG: 1 = yes; 0 = no) 24 prop (Beta blocker used during exercise ECG: 1 = yes; 0 = no) 25 nitr (nitrates used during exercise ECG: 1 = yes; 0 = no) 26 pro (calcium channel blocker used during exercise ECG: 1 = yes; 0 = no) 27 diuretic (diuretic used used during exercise ECG: 1 = yes; 0 = no) 28 proto: exercise protocol 1 = Bruce 2 = Kottus 3 = McHenry 4 = fast Balke 5 = Balke 6 = Noughton 7 = bike 150 kpa min/min (Not sure if "kpa min/min" is what was written!) 8 = bike 125 kpa min/min 9 = bike 100 kpa min/min 10 = bike 75 kpa min/min 11 = bike 50 kpa min/min 12 = arm ergometer 29 thaldur: duration of exercise test in minutes 30 thaltime: time when ST measure depression was noted 31 met: mets achieved 32 thalach: maximum heart rate achieved 33 thalrest: resting heart rate 34 tpeakbps: peak exercise blood pressure (first of 2 parts) 35 tpeakbpd: peak exercise blood pressure (second of 2 parts) 36 dummy 37 trestbpd: resting blood pressure 38 exang: exercise induced angina (1 = yes; 0 = no) 39 xhypo: (1 = yes; 0 = no) 40 oldpeak = ST depression induced by exercise relative to rest 41 slope: the slope of the peak exercise ST segment -- Value 1: upsloping -- Value 2: flat -- Value 3: downsloping 42 rldv5: height at rest 43 rldv5e: height at peak exercise 44 ca: number of major vessels (0-3) colored by flourosopy 45 restckm: irrelevant 46 exerckm: irrelevant 47 restef: rest raidonuclid (sp?) ejection fraction 48 restwm: rest wall (sp?) motion abnormality 0 = none 1 = mild or moderate 2 = moderate or severe 3 = akinesis or dyskmem (sp?) 49 exeref: exercise radinalid (sp?) ejection fraction 50 exerwm: exercise wall (sp?) motion 51 thal: 3 = normal; 6 = fixed defect; 7 = reversable defect 52 thalsev: not used 53 thalpul: not used 54 earlobe: not used 55 cmo: month of cardiac cath (sp?) (perhaps "call") 56 cday: day of cardiac cath (sp?) 57 cyr: year of cardiac cath (sp?) 58 num: diagnosis of heart disease (angiographic disease status) -- Value 0: < 50% diameter narrowing -- Value 1: > 50% diameter narrowing (in any major vessel: attributes 59 through 68 are vessels) 59 lmt 60 ladprox 61 laddist 62 diag 63 cxmain 64 ramus 65 om1 66 om2 67 rcaprox 68 rcadist 69 lvx1: not used 70 lvx2: not used 71 lvx3: not used 72 lvx4: not used 73 lvf: not used 74 cathef: not used 75 junk: not used 76 name: last name of patient (I replaced this with the dummy string "name")

Baseline Model Performance

Dataset Files

new.data380.6 KB
hungarian.data60.7 KB
cleveland.data59.2 KB
long-beach-va.data39 KB
switzerland.data24.1 KB

0 to 5 of 22

Papers Citing this Dataset

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By Ni Ding, Parastoo Sadeghi. 2019

Published in ArXiv.

Leveraging Simple Model Predictions for Enhancing its Performance

By Amit Dhurandhar, Karthikeyan Shanmugam, Ronny Luss. 2019

Published in ArXiv.

PPCD: Privacy-preserving clinical decision with cloud support

By Hui Ma, Xuyang Guo, Yuan Ping, Baocang Wang, Yuehua Yang, Zhili Zhang, Jingxian Zhou. 2019

Published in PloS one.

ActShare: Sensitive Data Sharing with Reliable Leaker Identification

By Zhiyi Zhang, Yu Guan, Xinyu Ma, Lixia Zhang. 2019

Published in ArXiv.

A review of domain adaptation without target labels

By Wouter Kouw, Marco Loog. 2019

Published in

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64 citations



Andras Janosi

William Steinbrunn

Matthias Pfisterer

Robert Detrano


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