CNNpred: CNN-based stock market prediction using a diverse set of variables

Donated on 12/25/2019

This dataset contains several daily features of S&P 500, NASDAQ Composite, Dow Jones Industrial Average, RUSSELL 2000, and NYSE Composite from 2010 to 2017.

Dataset Characteristics

Sequential, Time-Series

Subject Area

Computer Science

Associated Tasks

Classification, Regression

Feature Type


# Instances


# Features


Dataset Information

Additional Information

It covers features from various categories of technical indicators, futures contracts, price of commodities, important indices of markets around the world, price of major companies in the U.S. market, and treasury bill rates. Sources and thorough description of features have been mentioned in the paper of 'CNNpred: CNN-based stock market prediction using a diverse set of variables'.

Has Missing Values?


Dataset Files

Processed_NASDAQ.csv1.4 MB
Processed_DJI.csv1.4 MB
Processed_NYSE.csv1.4 MB
Processed_S&P.csv1.4 MB
Processed_RUSSELL.csv1.4 MB


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