Artificial Characters

Donated on 6/30/1992

Dataset artificially generated by using first order theory which describes structure of ten capital letters of English alphabet

Dataset Characteristics


Subject Area

Computer Science

Associated Tasks


Feature Type

Categorical, Integer, Real

# Instances


# Features


Dataset Information

Additional Information

This database has been artificially generated by using a first order theory which describes the structure of ten capital letters of the English alphabet and a random choice theorem prover which accounts for etherogeneity in the instances. The capital letters represented are the following: A, C, D, E, F, G, H, L, P, R. Each instance is structured and is described by a set of segments (lines) which resemble the way an automatic program would segment an image. Each instance is stored in a separate file whose format is the following: CLASS OBJNUM TYPE XX1 YY1 XX2 YY2 SIZE DIAG where CLASS is an integer number indicating the class as described below, OBJNUM is an integer identifier of a segment (starting from 0) in the instance and the remaining columns represent attribute values. For further details, contact the author.

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Variable Information

TYPE: the first attribute describes the type of segment and is always set to the string "line". Its C language type is char. XX1,YY1,XX2,YY2: these attributes contain the initial and final coordinates of a segment in a cartesian plane. Their C language type is int. SIZE: this is the length of a segment computed by using the geometric distance between two points A(X1,Y1) and B(X2,Y2). Its C language type is float. DIAG: this is the length of the diagonal of the smallest rectangle which includes the picture of the character. The value of this attribute is the same in each object. Its C language type is float.

Dataset Files

character.tar.Z779.4 KB
convert.cc11.7 KB
domain_theory4.5 KB
character.names3.9 KB
Index200 Bytes

Papers Citing this Dataset

Parallel Linear Genetic Programming

By Carlton Downey, Mengjie Zhang. 2011

Published in EuroGP.

A weakly informative default prior distribution for logistic and other regression models

By Andrew Gelman, Aleks Jakulin, Maria Pittau, Yu-Sung Su. 2009

Published in Annals of Applied Statistics 2008, Vol. 2, No. 4, 1360-1383.

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2 citations


H. Guvenir

Burak Acar

Haldun Muderrisoglu


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