Physical Therapy Exercises

Donated on 5/7/2022

This dataset contains wearable inertial and magnetic sensor data during the execution of physical therapy exercises. There are eight types of physical therapy exercises, each of which has three execution types (correct, fast, and low-amplitude). Each execution type of each type of exercise was performed multiple times by five subjects. The subjects wore five MTx sensor units manufactured by XSens. Each unit contains three tri-axial sensors: an accelerometer, a gyroscope, and a magnetometer, sampled at 25 Hz.

Dataset Characteristics


Subject Area


Associated Tasks

Classification, Clustering, Other

Feature Type


# Instances


# Features


Dataset Information

For what purpose was the dataset created?

The dataset was created within a study on automated detection of the executions of physical therapy exercises using wearable motion sensors. The exercises and the experimental procedure are determined in collaboration with a physical therapy specialist.

What do the instances in this dataset represent?

The dataset contains time series data recorded during training sessions (with time indices of the selected templates) and simulated exercise sessions (with multiple exercise executions). The sessions exhibit pre-determined patterns, which are explained in the Description.pdf document.

Are there recommended data splits?

The dataset is already split into training and test sets. The former contains template recordings and the latter contains the simulated physical therapy exercise sessions.

Was there any data preprocessing performed?

The time series data are filtered by the software of the sensor manufacturer (XSens Technologies) using the default settings during the data acquisition. No additional processing is applied.

Additional Information

Additional information can be found in the Description.pdf file and in the papers listed in the Citation Request field.

Has Missing Values?


Introductory Paper

Automated evaluation of physical therapy exercises using multi-template dynamic time warping on wearable sensor signals

By Aras Yurtman, B. Barshan. 2014

Published in Comput. Methods Programs Biomed.

Dataset Files

s3/e3/u3/test.txt638.9 KB
s3/e8/u3/test.txt638.8 KB
s3/e2/u3/test.txt637.3 KB
s2/e2/u3/test.txt636.2 KB
s3/e4/u3/test.txt633.9 KB

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1 citations


Aras Yurtman

KU Leuven

Billur Barshan

Bilkent University


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