Non Verbal Tourists
Donated on 8/13/2023
This dataset contains the information about non-verbal preferences of tourists
Dataset Characteristics
Subject Area
Social Science
Associated Tasks
Classification, Clustering
Feature Type
Real, Integer
# Instances
# Features
Dataset Information
Additional Information
A total of 73 customers, aged between 24 and 81 years old, were surveyed. Of the customers surveyed, 38 were returning customers, and 35 were new cus-tomers. The variables chosen are the essential ones that make up the non-verbal communication system. In addition to being the most feasible to evaluate in clients. The non-verbal system is made up of subsystems such as kinesic, paralanguage, proxemic, chronic, and others. In the design of the questionnaire, the indicators that make up these subsystems were taken into account to be explored as part of the client's communication preferences, as well as being feasible to evaluate in clients. The 22 variables analyzed were considered feasible to evaluate by the hotel's clientele.
Has Missing Values?
Introductory Paper
By Claudia C. Tusell-Rey, Ricardo Tejeida-Padilla, O. Camacho-Nieto, Y. Villuendas-Rey, C. Yáñez-Márquez. 2021
Published in Applied Sciences
Variables Table
Variable Name | Role | Type | Demographic | Description | Units | Missing Values |
sex | Feature | Binary | Sex | Sex of the client | yes | |
age | Feature | Integer | Age | Age of the client | yes | |
country | Feature | Categorical | Nationality | Country of the client | yes | |
returning | Feature | Binary | If the client is returning | yes | ||
GImg1 | Feature | Categorical | Handshake Indifferent | yes | ||
GImg2 | Feature | Categorical | Hug indifferent | yes | ||
GImg3 | Feature | Categorical | Kiss indifferent | yes | ||
PImg1 | Feature | Categorical | Consent posture | yes | ||
PImg2 | Feature | Categorical | Interest posture | yes | ||
PImg3 | Feature | Categorical | Neutral posture | yes |
0 to 10 of 23
Additional Variable Information
Number Name Description Admissible values 1 Sex Sex of the client Male, Female, ?1 2 Age Age of the client 0-100, ? 3 Country Country of the client United Nations admitted countries, ? 4 Returning If the client is returning Yes, No, ? 5 GImg1 Handshake Indifferent, likes, dislikes, ? 6 GImg2 Hug Indifferent, likes, dislikes, ? 7 GImg3 Kiss Indifferent, likes, dislikes, ? 8 PImg1 Consent posture Indifferent, likes, dislikes, ? 9 PImg2 Interest posture Indifferent, likes, dislikes, ? 10 PImg3 Neutral posture Indifferent, likes, dislikes, ? 11 PImg4 Reflexive posture Indifferent, likes, dislikes, ? 12 PImg5 Negative posture Indifferent, likes, dislikes, ? 13 Tense - relaxed Observed emotional clime. 1-10, ? (1 is too tense, 10 is too relaxed) 14 Authoritative -anarchic Observed emotional clime 1-10, ? (1 is too authoritative, 10 is too anar-chic) 15 Hostile - friendly Observed emotional clime 1-10, ? (1 is too hostile, 10 is too friendly) 16 TAudio1 Authoritative Indifferent, likes, dislikes, ? 17 TAudio2 Sarcastic Indifferent, likes, dislikes, ? 18 TAudio3 Friendly Indifferent, likes, dislikes, ? 19 QAudio1 Spitting Indifferent, likes, dislikes, ? 20 QAudio2 Hum Indifferent, likes, dislikes, ? 21 QAudio3 Sigh Indifferent, likes, dislikes, ? 22 Proxemic Physical distance preferred for the client A, B, C, D, ? (A. intimate: 15cm-45cm; B. per-sonal: 46cm-122cm; C. social: 123cm-360cm; D. public: > 360cm) 23 Class Type of client
Dataset Files
File | Size |
non-verbal tourist data.csv | 10.1 KB |
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pip install ucimlrepo
from ucimlrepo import fetch_ucirepo # fetch dataset non_verbal_tourists = fetch_ucirepo(id=853) # data (as pandas dataframes) X = non_verbal_tourists.data.features y = non_verbal_tourists.data.targets # metadata print(non_verbal_tourists.metadata) # variable information print(non_verbal_tourists.variables)
Tussell-Rey, C., Tejeida-Padilla, R., Camacho-Nieto, O., Villuendas-Rey, Y., & Yáñez-Márquez, C. (2021). Non Verbal Tourists [Dataset]. UCI Machine Learning Repository. https://doi.org/10.24432/C5T03G.
Claudia Tussell-Rey
Ricardo Tejeida-Padilla
O. Camacho-Nieto
Y. Villuendas-Rey
C. Yáñez-Márquez
This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
This allows for the sharing and adaptation of the datasets for any purpose, provided that the appropriate credit is given.