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Printed Circuit Board Processed Image
This CSV dataset, originally used for test-pad coordinate retrieval from PCB images, presents potential applications like classification (e.g., Grey test pad detection), anomaly detection (e.g., fake test pads), or clustering for grey test pads discovery. The dataset includes X and Y representing pixel positions, and R, G, B values determining pixel color (minmax normalized from 0-255). A 'Grey' field indicates approximate grey pixels. This dataset was originally used for a 2-stage discovery of high number of test pad clusters (>100) in a dataset presented in: @article{Tan2016FastRO, title={Fast retrievals of test-pad coordinates from photo images of printed circuit boards}, author={Swee Chuan Tan and Schumann Tong Wei Kit}, journal={2016 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems (ICAMechS)}, year={2016}, pages={464-467}, url={} } More pixels here than that in the paper due to different extraction method.
Synthetic Circle Data Set
This dataset comprises 10000 two-dimensional points arranged into 100 circles, each containing 100 points. It was designed to evaluate clustering algorithms, such as k-means, by providing a clear and structured clustering challenge.
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