CalIt2 Building People Counts

Donated on 11/30/2006

This data comes from the main door of the CalIt2 building at UCI.

Dataset Characteristics

Multivariate, Time-Series

Subject Area


Associated Tasks


Feature Type

Categorical, Integer

# Instances


# Features


Dataset Information

Additional Information

Observations come from 2 data streams (people flow in and out of the building), over 15 weeks, 48 time slices per day (half hour count aggregates). The purpose is to predict the presence of an event such as a conference in the building that is reflected by unusually high people counts for that day/time period.

Has Missing Values?


Variables Table

Variable NameRoleTypeDescriptionUnitsMissing Values

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Additional Variable Information

1. Flow ID: 7 is out flow, 9 is in flow 2. Date: MM/DD/YY 3. Time: HH:MM:SS 4. Count: Number of counts reported for the previous half hour Rows: Each half hour time slice is represented by 2 rows: one row for the out flow during that time period (ID=7) and one row for the in flow during that time period (ID=9) Attributes in .events file ("ground truth") 1. Date: MM/DD/YY 2. Begin event time: HH:MM:SS (military) 3. End event time: HH:MM:SS (military) 4. Event name (anonymized)

Dataset Files

Dodgers.data938.9 KB
CalIt2.data218.2 KB
Dodgers.events4 KB
Dodgers.names2 KB
CalIt2.names1.7 KB

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Jon Hutchins


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