
Donated on 4/23/2015

The data are binary attack-point vectors and their clave-direction class(es) according to the partido-alto-based paradigm.

Dataset Characteristics


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Feature Type


# Instances


# Features


Dataset Information

Additional Information

The data consist of 16 binary inputs and one 'four-bit' one-hot classification output. The 16-bit inputs are binary-valued attack-point vectors. 1 indicates the substantial presence (0, absence) of an onset (note start) in a certain time window during one bar of 4/4 time music (not limited to percussion, hence *onset* vectors without duration) quantized to 16th-note subdivisions. Each vector has 16 positions in which there may be or not be an onset. The output classes (left to right: neutral, reverse clave, forward clave, and incoherent) were determined through the music-theoretic/ethnomusicological portion of the my dissertation studies, based on both double-blind listening tests and informal interviews with with four professional master-musicians, as well as decades of studying the music. Future uploads (subject only to formatting) can include an additional column of fuzzy descriptors (of the degree of match to the output class).

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Variable Information

In terms of divisive rhythm counting, the first 16 attributes (input bits) correspond to a significant onset at: 1 e & a 2 e & a 3 e & a 4 e & a of one bar of 4/4 time. The last four are the output classes (3 - neutral, 2 - reverse clave, 1 - forward clave, 0 - incoherent) in one-hot (one-up) encoding.

Dataset Files

ClaveVectors_Firm-Teacher_Model.txt432.6 KB


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Mehmet Vurka


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