Metro Interstate Traffic Volume

Donated on 5/6/2019

Hourly Minneapolis-St Paul, MN traffic volume for westbound I-94. Includes weather and holiday features from 2012-2018.

Dataset Characteristics

Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series

Subject Area


Associated Tasks


Feature Type

Integer, Real

# Instances


# Features


Dataset Information

Additional Information

Hourly Interstate 94 Westbound traffic volume for MN DoT ATR station 301, roughly midway between Minneapolis and St Paul, MN. Hourly weather features and holidays included for impacts on traffic volume.

Has Missing Values?


Variables Table

Variable NameRoleTypeDescriptionUnitsMissing Values
holidayFeatureCategoricalUS National holidays plus regional holiday, Minnesota State Fairno
tempFeatureContinuousAverage temp in kelvinKelvinno
rain_1hFeatureContinuousAmount in mm of rain that occurred in the hourmmno
snow_1hFeatureContinuousAmount in mm of snow that occurred in the hourmmno
clouds_allFeatureIntegerPercentage of cloud cover%no
weather_mainFeatureCategoricalShort textual description of the current weatherno
weather_descriptionFeatureCategoricalLonger textual description of the current weatherno
date_timeFeatureDateHour of the data collected in local CST timeno
traffic_volumeTargetIntegerHourly I-94 ATR 301 reported westbound traffic volumeno

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Additional Variable Information

holiday Categorical US National holidays plus regional holiday, Minnesota State Fair temp Numeric Average temp in kelvin rain_1h Numeric Amount in mm of rain that occurred in the hour snow_1h Numeric Amount in mm of snow that occurred in the hour clouds_all Numeric Percentage of cloud cover weather_main Categorical Short textual description of the current weather weather_description Categorical Longer textual description of the current weather date_time DateTime Hour of the data collected in local CST time traffic_volume Numeric Hourly I-94 ATR 301 reported westbound traffic volume

Dataset Files

Metro_Interstate_Traffic_Volume.csv.gz395.9 KB


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John Hogue


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