Myocardial infarction complications
Donated on 12/8/2020
Prediction of myocardial infarction complications
Dataset Characteristics
Subject Area
Health and Medicine
Associated Tasks
Feature Type
# Instances
# Features
Dataset Information
Additional Information
Problems of real-life complexity are needed to test and compare various data mining and pattern recognition methods. The proposed database can be used to solve two practically important problems: predicting complications of Myocardial Infarction (MI) based on information about the patient (i) at the time of admission and (ii) on the third day of the hospital period. Another important group of tasks is phenotyping of disease (cluster analysis), dynamic phenotyping (filament extraction and identification of disease trajectories) and visualisation (disease mapping). MI is one of the most challenging problems of modern medicine. Acute myocardial infarction is associated with high mortality in the first year after it. The incidence of MI remains high in all countries. This is especially true for the urban population of highly developed countries, which is exposed to chronic stress factors, irregular and not always balanced nutrition. In the United States, for example, more than a million people suffer from MI every year, and 200-300 thousand of them die from acute MI before arriving at the hospital. The course of the disease in patients with MI is different. MI can occur without complications or with complications that do not worsen the long-term prognosis. At the same time, about half of patients in the acute and subacute periods have complications that lead to worsening of the disease and even death. Even an experienced specialist can not always foresee the development of these complications. In this regard, predicting complications of myocardial infarction in order to timely carry out the necessary preventive measures is an important task. Problems to solve In general columns 2-112 can be used as input data for prediction. Possible complications (outputs) are listed in columns 113-124. There are four possible time moments for complication prediction: on base of the information known at 1. the time of admission to hospital: all input columns (2-112) except 93, 94, 95, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105 can be used for prediction; 2. the end of the first day (24 hours after admission to the hospital): all input columns (2-112) except 94, 95, 101, 102, 104, 105 can be used for prediction; 3. the end of the second day (48 hours after admission to the hospital) all input columns (2-112) except 95, 102, 105 can be used for prediction; 4. the end of the third day (72 hours after admission to the hospital) all input columns (2-112) can be used for prediction. You can find detailed description of database, descriptive statistics and csv version of database in DOI: 10.25392/leicester.data.12045261.v3
Has Missing Values?
Introductory Paper
By S. E. Golovenkin, Jonathan Bac, A. Chervov, E. M. Mirkes, Y. Orlova, E. Barillot, A. Gorban, A. Zinovyev. 2020
Published in GigaScience
Variables Table
Variable Name | Role | Type | Demographic | Description | Units | Missing Values |
ID | ID | Integer | Record ID (ID): Unique identifier. Cannot be related to participant. It can be used for reference only. | no | ||
AGE | Feature | Integer | Age | Age of patient. | no | |
SEX | Feature | Binary | Sex | 0: female, 1: male | no | |
INF_ANAM | Feature | Categorical | Quantity of myocardial infarctions in the anamnesis. 0: zero 1: one 2: two 3: three and more | yes | ||
STENOK_AN | Feature | Categorical | Exertional angina pectoris in the anamnesis. 0: never 1: during the last year 2: one year ago 3: two years ago 4: three years ago 5: 4-5 years ago | yes | ||
FK_STENOK | Feature | Categorical | Functional class (FC) of angina pectoris in the last year. 0: there is no angina pectoris 1: I FC 2: II FC 3: III FC 4: IV FC | yes | ||
IBS_POST | Feature | Categorical | Coronary heart disease (CHD) in recent weeks, days before admission to hospital 0: none 1: exertional angina pectoris 2: unstable angina pectoris | yes | ||
IBS_NASL | Feature | Binary | Heredity on CHD 0: isn't burdened 1: burdened | yes | ||
GB | Feature | Categorical | Presence of an essential hypertension 0: there is no essential hypertension 1: Stage 1 2: Stage 2 3: Stage 3 | yes | ||
SIM_GIPERT | Feature | Binary | Symptomatic hypertension | yes |
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Additional Variable Information
Table of abbreviations FC is the functional class of angina pectoris in the last year according to Campeau, L., 1976. Grading of angina pectoris. Circulation, 54(3), pp.522-523. CHD is coronary heart disease. HF is heart failure. ECG is electrocardiogram. AV is atrioventricular block. LBBB is left bundle branch block. RBBB is right bundle branch block. QRS is QRS complex in ECG IU is international unit. ICU is intensive care unit. ESR is erythrocyte sedimentation rate. NSAID is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. List of attributes 1. Record ID (ID): Unique identifier. Cannot be related to participant. It can be used for reference only. 2. Age (AGE): Real. Age of patient. 3. Gender (SEX): Nominal: Cases Fraction 0: female 635 37.35% 1: male 1065 62.65% Missing 0 0% 4. Quantity of myocardial infarctions in the anamnesis (INF_ANAM): Ordinal Cases Fraction 0: zero 1060 62.35% 1: one 410 24.12% 2: two 147 8.65% 3: three and more 79 4.65% Missing 4 0.24% 5. Exertional angina pectoris in the anamnesis (STENOK_AN): Ordinal Cases Fraction 0: never 661 38.88% 1: during the last year 146 8.59% 2: one year ago 137 8.06% 3: two years ago 117 6.88% 4: three years ago 76 4.47% 5: 4-5 years ago 125 7.35% 6: more than 5 years ago 332 19.53% Missing 106 6.24% 6. Functional class (FC) of angina pectoris in the last year (FK_STENOK): Ordinal Cases Fraction 0: there is no angina pectoris 661 38.88% 1: I FC 47 2.76% 2: II FC 854 50.24% 3: III FC 54 3.18% 4: IV FC 11 0.65% Missing 73 4.29% 7. Coronary heart disease (CHD) in recent weeks, days before admission to hospital (IBS_POST): Ordinal Cases Fraction 0: there was no СHD 418 24.59% 1: exertional angina pectoris 548 32.24% 2: unstable angina pectoris 683 40.18% Missing 51 3.00% 8. Heredity on CHD (IBS_NASL): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: isn’t burdened 45 2.65% 1: burdened 27 1.59% Missing 1628 95.76% 9. Presence of an essential hypertension (GB): Ordinal Cases Fraction 0: there is no essential hypertension 605 35.59% 1: Stage 1 11 0.65% 2: Stage 2 880 51.76% 3: Stage 3 195 11.47% Missing 9 0.53% 10. Symptomatic hypertension (SIM_GIPERT): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1635 96.18% 1: yes 57 3.35% Missing 8 0.47% 11. Duration of arterial hypertension (DLIT_AG): Ordinal Cases Fraction 0: there was no arterial hypertension 551 32.41% 1: one year 93 5.47% 2: two years 58 3.41% 3: three years 58 3.41% 4: four years 22 1.29% 5: five years 73 4.29% 6: 6-10 years 165 9.71% 7: more than 10 years 432 25.41% Missing 248 14.59% 12. Presence of chronic Heart failure (HF) in the anamnesis (ZSN_A): Partially ordered attribute: there are two lines of severities: 0<1<2<4, 0<1<3<4. State 4 means simultaneous states 2 and 3 Cases Fraction 0: there is no chronic heart failure 1468 86.35% 1: I stage 103 6.06% 2: IIРstage (heart failure due to right ventricular systolic dysfunction) 27 1.59% 3: IIРstage (heart failure due to left ventricular systolic dysfunction) 29 1.71% 4: IIB stage (heart failure due to left and right ventricular systolic dysfunction) 19 1.12% Missing 54 3.18% 13. Observing of arrhythmia in the anamnesis (nr11): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1637 96.29% 1: yes 42 2.47% Missing 21 1.24% 14. Premature atrial contractions in the anamnesis (nr01): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1675 98.53% 1: yes 4 0.24% Missing 21 1.24% 15. Premature ventricular contractions in the anamnesis (nr02): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1660 97.65% 1: yes 19 1.12% Missing 21 1.24% 16. Paroxysms of atrial fibrillation in the anamnesis (nr03): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1644 96.71% 1: yes 35 2.06% Missing 21 1.24% 17. A persistent form of atrial fibrillation in the anamnesis (nr04): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1650 97.06% 1: yes 29 1.71% Missing 21 1.24% 18. Ventricular fibrillation in the anamnesis (nr07): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1678 98.71% 1: yes 1 0.06% Missing 21 1.24% 19. Ventricular paroxysmal tachycardia in the anamnesis (nr08): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1675 98.53% 1: yes 4 0.24% Missing 21 1.24% 20. First-degree AV block in the anamnesis (np01): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1680 98.82% 1: yes 2 0.12% Missing 18 1.06% 21. Third-degree AV block in the anamnesis (np04): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1679 98.76% 1: yes 3 0.18% Missing 18 1.06% 22. LBBB (anterior branch) in the anamnesis (np05): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1671 98.29% 1: yes 11 0.65% Missing 18 1.06% 23. Incomplete LBBB in the anamnesis (np07): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1681 98.88% 1: yes 1 0.06% Missing 18 1.06% 24. Complete LBBB in the anamnesis (np08): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1676 98.59% 1: yes 6 0.35% Missing 18 1.06% 25. Incomplete RBBB in the anamnesis (np09): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1680 98.82% 1: yes 2 0.12% Missing 18 1.06% 26. Complete RBBB in the anamnesis (np10): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1679 98.76% 1: yes 3 0.18% Missing 18 1.06% 27. Diabetes mellitus in the anamnesis (endocr_01): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1461 85.94% 1: yes 228 13.41% Missing 11 0.65% 28. Obesity in the anamnesis (endocr_02): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1648 96.94% 1: yes 42 2.47% Missing 10 0.59% 29. Thyrotoxicosis in the anamnesis (endocr_03): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1677 98.65% 1: yes 13 0.76% Missing 10 0.59% 30. Chronic bronchitis in the anamnesis (zab_leg_01): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1559 91.71% 1: yes 134 7.88% Missing 7 0.41% 31.Obstructive chronic bronchitis in the anamnesis (zab_leg_02): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1572 92.47% 1: yes 121 7.12% Missing 7 0.41% 32. Bronchial asthma in the anamnesis (zab_leg_03): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1656 97.41% 1: yes 37 2.18% Missing 7 0.41% 33. Chronic pneumonia in the anamnesis (zab_leg_04): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1684 99.06% 1: yes 9 0.53% Missing 7 0.41% 34. Pulmonary tuberculosis in the anamnesis (zab_leg_06): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1684 99.06% 1: yes 9 0.53% Missing 7 0.41% 35. Systolic blood pressure according to Emergency Cardiology Team (S_AD_KBRIG) (mmHg): Real. 36. Diastolic blood pressure according to Emergency Cardiology Team (D_AD_KBRIG) (mmHg): Real. 37. Systolic blood pressure according to intensive care unit (S_AD_ORIT) (mmHg): Real. 38. Diastolic blood pressure according to intensive care unit (D_AD_ORIT) (mmHg): Real. 39. Pulmonary edema at the time of admission to intensive care unit (O_L_POST): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1578 92.82% 1: yes 110 6.47% Missing 12 0.71% 40. Cardiogenic shock at the time of admission to intensive care unit (K_SH_POST): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1639 96.41% 1: yes 46 2.71% Missing 15 0.88% 41. Paroxysms of atrial fibrillation at the time of admission to intensive care unit, (or at a pre-hospital stage) (MP_TP_POST): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1572 92.47% 1: yes 114 6.71% Missing 14 0.82% 42. Paroxysms of supraventricular tachycardia at the time of admission to intensive care unit, (or at a pre-hospital stage) (SVT_POST): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1680 98.82% 1: yes 8 0.47% Missing 12 0.71% 43. Paroxysms of ventricular tachycardia at the time of admission to intensive care unit, (or at a pre-hospital stage) (GT_POST): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1680 98.82% 1: yes 8 0.47% Missing 12 0.71% 44. Ventricular fibrillation at the time of admission to intensive care unit, (or at a pre-hospital stage) (FIB_G_POST): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1673 98.41% 1: yes 15 0.88% Missing 12 0.71% 45. Presence of an anterior myocardial infarction (left ventricular) (ECG changes in leads V1: V4 ) (ant_im): Ordinal Cases Fraction 0: there is no infarct in this location 660 38.82% 1: QRS has no changes 392 23.06% 2: QRS is like QR-complex 39 2.29% 3: QRS is like Qr-complex 34 2.00% 4: QRS is like QS-complex 492 28.94% Missing 83 4.88% 46. Presence of a lateral myocardial infarction (left ventricular) (ECG changes in leads V5: V6 , I, AVL) (lat_im): Ordinal Cases Fraction 0: there is no infarct in this location 576 33.88% 1: QRS has no changes 838 49.29% 2: QRS is like QR-complex 97 5.71% 3: QRS is like Qr-complex 72 4.24% 4: QRS is like QS-complex 37 2.18% Missing 80 4.71% 47. Presence of an inferior myocardial infarction (left ventricular) (ECG changes in leads III, AVF, II). (inf_im): Ordinal Cases Fraction 0: there is no infarct in this location 937 55.12% 1: QRS has no changes 195 11.47% 2: QRS is like QR-complex 191 11.24% 3: QRS is like Qr-complex 121 7.12% 4: QRS is like QS-complex 176 10.35% Missing 80 4.71% 48. Presence of a posterior myocardial infarction (left ventricular) (ECG changes in V7: V9, reciprocity changes in leads V1 – V3) (post_im): Ordinal Cases Fraction 0: there is no infarct in this location 1370 80.59% 1: QRS has no changes 157 9.24% 2: QRS is like QR-complex 52 3.06% 3: QRS is like Qr-complex 35 2.06% 4: QRS is like QS-complex 14 0.82% Missing 72 4.24% 49. Presence of a right ventricular myocardial infarction (IM_PG_P): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1649 97.00% 1: yes 50 2.94% Missing 1 0.06% 50. ECG rhythm at the time of admission to hospital: sinus (with a heart rate 60-90) (ritm_ecg_p_01): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 519 30.53% 1: yes 1029 60.53% Missing 152 8.94% 51. ECG rhythm at the time of admission to hospital: atrial fibrillation (ritm_ecg_p_02): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1453 85.47% 1: yes 95 5.59% Missing 152 8.94% 52. ECG rhythm at the time of admission to hospital: atrial (ritm_ecg_p_04): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1525 89.71% 1: yes 23 1.35% Missing 152 8.94% 53. ECG rhythm at the time of admission to hospital: idioventricular (ritm_ecg_p_06): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1547 91.00% 1: yes 1 0.06% Missing 152 8.94% 54. ECG rhythm at the time of admission to hospital: sinus with a heart rate above 90 (tachycardia) (ritm_ecg_p_07): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1195 70.29% 1: yes 353 20.76% Missing 152 8.94% 55. ECG rhythm at the time of admission to hospital: sinus with a heart rate below 60 (bradycardia) (ritm_ecg_p_08): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1502 88.35% 1: yes 46 2.71% Missing 152 8.94% 56. Premature atrial contractions on ECG at the time of admission to hospital (n_r_ecg_p_01): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1527 89.82% 1: yes 58 3.41% Missing 115 6.76% 57. Frequent premature atrial contractions on ECG at the time of admission to hospital (n_r_ecg_p_02): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1577 92.76% 1: yes 8 0.47% Missing 115 6.76% 58.Premature ventricular contractions on ECG at the time of admission to hospital (n_r_ecg_p_03): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1381 81.24% 1: yes 204 12.00% Missing 115 6.76% 59. Frequent premature ventricular contractions on ECG at the time of admission to hospital (n_r_ecg_p_04): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1516 89.18% 1: yes 69 4.06% Missing 115 6.76% 60. Paroxysms of atrial fibrillation on ECG at the time of admission to hospital (n_r_ecg_p_05): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1515 89.12% 1: yes 70 4.12% Missing 115 6.76% 61. Persistent form of atrial fibrillation on ECG at the time of admission to hospital (n_r_ecg_p_06): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1553 91.35% 1: yes 32 1.88% Missing 115 6.76% 62. Paroxysms of supraventricular tachycardia on ECG at the time of admission to hospital (n_r_ecg_p_08): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1581 93.00% 1: yes 4 0.24% Missing 115 6.76% 63. Paroxysms of ventricular tachycardia on ECG at the time of admission to hospital (n_r_ecg_p_09): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1583 93.12% 1: yes 2 0.12% Missing 115 6.76% 64. Ventricular fibrillation on ECG at the time of admission to hospital (n_r_ecg_p_10): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1583 93.12% 1: yes 2 0.12% Missing 115 6.76% 65. Sinoatrial block on ECG at the time of admission to hospital (n_p_ecg_p_01): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1583 93.12% 1: yes 2 0.12% Missing 115 6.76% 66. First-degree AV block on ECG at the time of admission to hospital (n_p_ecg_p_03): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1553 91.35% 1: yes 32 1.88% Missing 115 6.76% 67. Type 1 Second-degree AV block (Mobitz I/Wenckebach) on ECG at the time of admission to hospital (n_p_ecg_p_04): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1580 92.94% 1: yes 5 0.29% Missing 115 6.76% 68. Type 2 Second-degree AV block (Mobitz II/Hay) on ECG at the time of admission to hospital (n_p_ecg_p_05): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1583 93.12% 1: yes 2 0.12% Missing 115 6.76% 69. Third-degree AV block on ECG at the time of admission to hospital (n_p_ecg_p_06): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1558 91.65% 1: yes 27 1.59% Missing 115 6.76% 70. LBBB (anterior branch) on ECG at the time of admission to hospital (n_p_ecg_p_07): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1483 87.24% 1: yes 102 6.00% Missing 115 6.76% 71. LBBB (posterior branch) on ECG at the time of admission to hospital (n_p_ecg_p_08): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1578 92.82% 1: yes 7 0.41% Missing 115 6.76% 72. Incomplete LBBB on ECG at the time of admission to hospital (n_p_ecg_p_09): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1575 92.65% 1: yes 10 0.59% Missing 115 6.76% 73. Complete LBBB on ECG at the time of admission to hospital (n_p_ecg_p_10): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1551 91.24% 1: yes 34 2.00% Missing 115 6.76% 74. Incomplete RBBB on ECG at the time of admission to hospital (n_p_ecg_p_11): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1557 91.59% 1: yes 28 1.65% Missing 115 6.76% 75. Complete RBBB on ECG at the time of admission to hospital (n_p_ecg_p_12): Cases Fraction 0: no 1507 88.65% 1: yes 78 4.59% Missing 115 6.76% 76. Fibrinolytic therapy by Сеliasum 750k IU (fibr_ter_01): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1677 98.65% 1: yes 13 0.76% Missing 10 0.59% 77. Fibrinolytic therapy by Сеliasum 1m IU (fibr_ter_02): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1674 98.47% 1: yes 16 0.94% Missing 10 0.59% 78. Fibrinolytic therapy by Сеliasum 3m IU (fibr_ter_03): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1622 95.41% 1: yes 68 4.00% Missing 10 0.59% 79. Fibrinolytic therapy by Streptase (fibr_ter_05): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1686 99.18% 1: yes 4 0.24% Missing 10 0.59% 80. Fibrinolytic therapy by Сеliasum 500k IU (fibr_ter_06): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1681 98.88% 1: yes 9 0.53% Missing 10 0.59% 81. Fibrinolytic therapy by Сеliasum 250k IU (fibr_ter_07): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1684 99.06% 1: yes 6 0.35% Missing 10 0.59% 82. Fibrinolytic therapy by Streptodecase 1.5m IU (fibr_ter_08): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1688 99.29% 1: yes 2 0.12% Missing 10 0.59% 83. Hypokalemia ( < 4 mmol/L) (GIPO_K): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 797 46.88% 1: yes 534 31.41% Missing 369 21.71% 84. Serum potassium content (K_BLOOD) (mmol/L): Real. 85 Increase of sodium in serum (more than 150 mmol/L) (GIPER_Na): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1295 76.18% 1: yes 30 1.76% Missing 375 22.06% 86. Serum sodium content (Na_BLOOD) (mmol/L): Real. 87. Serum AlAT content (ALT_BLOOD) (IU/L): Real. 88. Serum AsAT content (AST_BLOOD) (IU/L): Real. 89. Serum CPK content (KFK_BLOOD) (IU/L): Real. 90. White blood cell count (billions per liter) (L_BLOOD): Real. 91. ESR (Erythrocyte sedimentation rate) (ROE) (мм): Real. 92. Time elapsed from the beginning of the attack of CHD to the hospital (TIME_B_S): Ordinal Cases Fraction 1: less than 2 hours 198 11.65% 2: 2-4 hours 360 21.18% 3: 4-6 hours 175 10.29% 4: 6-8 hours 87 5.12% 5: 8-12 hours 92 5.41% 6: 12-24 hours 151 8.88% 7: more than 1 days 141 8.29% 8: more than 2 days 101 5.94% 9: more than 3 days 269 15.82% Missing 126 7.41% 93. Relapse of the pain in the first hours of the hospital period (R_AB_1_n): Ordinal Cases Fraction 0: there is no relapse 1282 75.41% 1: only one 298 17.53% 2: 2 times 78 4.59% 3: 3 or more times 26 1.53% Missing 16 0.94% 94. Relapse of the pain in the second day of the hospital period (R_AB_2_n): Ordinal Cases Fraction 0: there is no relapse 1414 83.18% 1: only one 133 7.82% 2: 2 times 44 2.59% 3: 3 or more times 1 0.06% Missing 108 6.35% 95. Relapse of the pain in the third day of the hospital period (R_AB_3_n): Ordinal Cases Fraction 0: there is no relapse 1469 86.41% 1: only one 86 5.06% 2: 2 times 15 0.88% 3: 3 or more times 2 0.12% Missing 1469 86.41% 96. Use of opioid drugs by the Emergency Cardiology Team (NA_KB): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 425 25.00% 1: yes 618 36.35% Missing 657 38.65% 97. Use of NSAIDs by the Emergency Cardiology Team (NOT_NA_KB): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 313 18.41% 1: yes 701 41.23% Missing 375 22.06% 98.Use of lidocaine by the Emergency Cardiology Team (LID_KB): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 627 36.88% 1: yes 396 23.29% Missing 677 39.82% 99. Use of liquid nitrates in the ICU (NITR_S): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1496 88.00% 1: yes 195 11.47% Missing 9 0.53% 100. Use of opioid drugs in the ICU in the first hours of the hospital period (NA_R_1_n): Ordinal Cases Fraction 0: no 1108 65.18% 1: once 409 24.06% 2: twice 132 7.76% 3: three times 35 2.06% 4: four times 11 0.65% Missing 5 0.29% 101. Use of opioid drugs in the ICU in the second day of the hospital period (NA_R_2_n): Ordinal Cases Fraction 0: no 1474 86.71% 1: once 87 5.12% 2: twice 30 1.76% 3: three times 1 0.06% Missing 108 6.35% 102. Use of opioid drugs in the ICU in the third day of the hospital period (NA_R_3_n): Ordinal Cases Fraction 0: no 1493 87.82% 1: once 60 3.53% 2: twice 16 0.94% Missing 131 7.71% 103. Use of NSAIDs in the ICU in the first hours of the hospital period (NOT_NA_1_n): Ordinal Cases Fraction 0: no 1237 72.76% 1: once 376 22.12% 2: twice 53 3.12% 3: three times 17 1.00% 4: four or more times 7 0.41% Missing 10 0.59% 104. Use of NSAIDs in the ICU in the second day of the hospital period (NOT_NA_2_n): Ordinal Cases Fraction 0: no 1454 85.53% 1: once 95 5.59% 2: twice 38 2.24% 3: three times 3 0.18% Missing 110 6.47% 105. Use of NSAIDs in the ICU in the third day of the hospital period (NOT_NA_3_n): Ordinal Cases Fraction 0: no 1474 86.71% 1: once 57 3.35% 2: twice 38 2.24% Missing 131 7.71% 106. Use of lidocaine in the ICU (LID_S_n): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1211 71.24% 1: yes 479 28.18% Missing 10 0.59% 107. Use of beta-blockers in the ICU (B_BLOK_S_n): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1474 86.71% 1: yes 215 12.65% Missing 11 0.65% 108. Use of calcium channel blockers in the ICU (ANT_CA_S_n): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 562 33.06% 1: yes 1125 66.18% Missing 13 0.76% 109. Use of а anticoagulants (heparin) in the ICU (GEPAR_S_n): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 480 28.24% 1: yes 1203 70.76% Missing 17 1.00% 110. Use of acetylsalicylic acid in the ICU (ASP_S_n): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 431 25.35% 1: yes 1252 73.65% Missing 17 1.00% 111. Use of Ticlid in the ICU (TIKL_S_n): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1654 97.29% 1: yes 30 1.76% Missing 16 0.94% 112. Use of Trental in the ICU (TRENT_S_n): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1343 79.00% 1: yes 341 20.06% Missing 16 0.94% Complications and outcomes of myocardial infarction: 113. Atrial fibrillation (FIBR_PREDS): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1530 90.00% 1: yes 170 10.00% Missing 0 0% 114. Supraventricular tachycardia (PREDS_TAH): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1680 98.82% 1: yes 20 1.18% Missing 0 0% 115. Ventricular tachycardia (JELUD_TAH): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1658 97.53% 1: yes 42 2.47% Missing 0 0% 116. Ventricular fibrillation (FIBR_JELUD): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1629 95.82% 1: yes 71 4.18% Missing 0 0% 117. Third-degree AV block (A_V_BLOK): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1643 96.65% 1: yes 57 3.35% Missing 0 0% 118. Pulmonary edema (OTEK_LANC): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1541 90.65% 1: yes 159 9.35% Missing 0 0% 119. Myocardial rupture (RAZRIV): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1646 96.82% 1: yes 54 3.18% Missing 0 0% 120. Dressler syndrome (DRESSLER): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1625 95.59% 1: yes 75 4.41% Missing 0 0% 121. Chronic heart failure (ZSN): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1306 76.82% 1: yes 394 23.18% Missing 0 0% 122. Relapse of the myocardial infarction (REC_IM): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1541 90.65% 1: yes 159 9.35% Missing 0 0% 123. Post-infarction angina (P_IM_STEN): Nominal Cases Fraction 0: no 1552 91.29% 1: yes 148 8.71% Missing 0 0% 124. Lethal outcome (cause) (LET_IS): Structure Cases Fraction 0: unknown (alive) 1429 84.06% 1: cardiogenic shock 110 6.47% 2: pulmonary edema 18 1.06% 3: myocardial rupture 54 3.18% 4: progress of congestive heart failure 23 1.35% 5: thromboembolism 12 0.71% 6: asystole 27 1.59% 7: ventricular fibrillation 27 1.59% Missing 0 0% Summary statistics for real attributes Attribute Min Max Mean STD Missing cases Missing fraction Age 26 92 61.86 11.26 8 0.47% S_AD_KBRIG 0 260 136.91 34.97 1076 63.29% D_AD_KBRIG 0 190 81.39 19.73 1076 63.29% S_AD_ORIT 0 260 134.59 31.34 267 15.71% D_AD_ORIT 0 190 82.75 18.31 267 15.71% K_BLOOD 2.3 8.2 4.19 0.75 371 21.82% Na_BLOOD 117 169 136.55 6.51 375 22.06% ALT_BLOOD 0.03 3 0.48 0.39 284 16.71% AST_BLOOD 0.04 2.15 0.26 0.2 285 16.67% KFK_BLOOD 1.2 3.6 2 0.95 1696 99.76% L_BLOOD 2 27.9 8.78 3.40 125 7.35% ROE 1 140 13.44 11.29 203 19.94%
Dataset Files
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MI.data | 441.7 KB |
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pip install ucimlrepo
from ucimlrepo import fetch_ucirepo # fetch dataset myocardial_infarction_complications = fetch_ucirepo(id=579) # data (as pandas dataframes) X = myocardial_infarction_complications.data.features y = myocardial_infarction_complications.data.targets # metadata print(myocardial_infarction_complications.metadata) # variable information print(myocardial_infarction_complications.variables)
Golovenkin, S., Shulman, V., Rossiev, D., Shesternya, P., Nikulina, S., Orlova, Y., & Voino-Yasenetsky, V. (2020). Myocardial infarction complications [Dataset]. UCI Machine Learning Repository. https://doi.org/10.24432/C53P5M.
S.E. Golovenkin
V.A. Shulman
D.A. Rossiev
P.A. Shesternya
S.Yu. Nikulina
Yu.V. Orlova
V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky
Krasnoyarsk State Medical University
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This allows for the sharing and adaptation of the datasets for any purpose, provided that the appropriate credit is given.