Swarm Behaviour

Donated on 6/15/2020

This dataset achieved from an online survey, which is run by UNSW, Australia. It contains three data of ' Flocking - Not Flocking', 'Aligned - Not Aligned', and 'Grouped - Not Grouped'.

Dataset Characteristics


Subject Area

Computer Science

Associated Tasks


Feature Type


# Instances


# Features


Dataset Information

Additional Information

To access the survey, please use the following link: https://unsw-swarm-survey.netlify.com/

Has Missing Values?


Variable Information

The attributes are xm, ym as the (X,Y) position of each boid, xVeln, yVeln as the velocity vector, xAm, yAm as the alignment vector, xSm, ySm as the separation vector, xCm, yCm as the cohesion vector, nACm as the number of boids in the radius of Alignment/Cohesion, and nSm as the number of boids in the radius of Separation. These attributes are repeated for all m boids, where m=1,...,200. Also, class labels are binary, which 1 refers to flocking, grouped, and aligned, and 0 refers to not flocking, not grouped, and not aligned.

Dataset Files

Swarm Behavior Data/Aligned.csv230.5 MB
Swarm Behavior Data/Flocking.csv230.5 MB
Swarm Behavior Data/Grouped.csv230.5 MB


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