
Donated on 6/30/1988

Data in original (LISP-readable) form

Dataset Characteristics


Subject Area


Associated Tasks


Feature Type

Categorical, Integer

# Instances


# Features


Dataset Information

Additional Information

Format: Each observation concerns one university. In some cases, more information is provided about the attribute (e.g., units or domain). Some duplicates may exist and a single observation may have more than one value for a given attribute (esp. academic emphasis). It appears that several attributes could serve as a distinguished class attribute for this database. The data file remains in the state as given to us by Steve Souders. It is a LISP readable file with a few relevant functions at the end of the data file. The info on missing data values have not been calculated. We hope to get to this in the future.

Has Missing Values?


Variable Information

1. University-name 2. State 3. location 4. Control 5. number-of-students 6. male:female (ratio) 7. student:faculty (ratio) 8. sat-verbal 9. sat-math 10. expenses 11. percent-financial-aid 12. number-of-applicants 13. percent-admittance 14. percent-enrolled 15. academics 16. social 17. quality-of-life 18. academic-emphasis

Dataset Files

university.data156.7 KB
university.names1.6 KB
Index123 Bytes

Papers Citing this Dataset

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Efficient single input-output layer spiking neural classifier with time-varying weight model

By Abeegithan Jeyasothy, Savitha Ramasamy, Suresh Sundaram. 2019

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Algorithms with Greedy Heuristic Procedures for Mixture Probability Distribution Separation

By L Kazakovtsev, Dmitry Stashkov, Mikhail Gudyma, Vladimir Kazakovtsev. 2019

Published in YUJOR.

Preference rules for label ranking: Mining patterns in multi-target relations

By Cl'audio S'a, Paulo Azevedo, Carlos Soares, Al'ipio Jorge, Arno Knobbe. 2019

Published in Information Fusion, Volume 40, March 2018, Pages 112-125.

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174 citations


M. Lebowitz


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