Banknote Authentication

Donated on 4/15/2013

Data were extracted from images that were taken for the evaluation of an authentication procedure for banknotes.

Dataset Characteristics


Subject Area

Computer Science

Associated Tasks


Feature Type


# Instances


# Features


Dataset Information

Additional Information

Data were extracted from images that were taken from genuine and forged banknote-like specimens. For digitization, an industrial camera usually used for print inspection was used. The final images have 400x 400 pixels. Due to the object lens and distance to the investigated object gray-scale pictures with a resolution of about 660 dpi were gained. Wavelet Transform tool were used to extract features from images.

Has Missing Values?


Variables Table

Variable NameRoleTypeDescriptionUnitsMissing Values
varianceFeatureContinuousvariance of Wavelet Transformed imageno
skewnessFeatureContinuousskewness of Wavelet Transformed imageno
curtosisFeatureContinuouscurtosis of Wavelet Transformed imageno
entropyFeatureContinuousentropy of imageno

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Additional Variable Information

1. variance of Wavelet Transformed image (continuous) 2. skewness of Wavelet Transformed image (continuous) 3. curtosis of Wavelet Transformed image (continuous) 4. entropy of image (continuous) 5. class (integer)

Dataset Files

data_banknote_authentication.txt45.3 KB

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7 citations


Volker Lohweg


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