Clickstream Data for Online Shopping

Donated on 12/8/2019

The dataset contains information on clickstream from online store offering clothing for pregnant women.

Dataset Characteristics

Multivariate, Sequential

Subject Area


Associated Tasks

Classification, Regression, Clustering

Feature Type

Integer, Real

# Instances


# Features


Dataset Information

Additional Information

The dataset contains information on clickstream from online store offering clothing for pregnant women. Data are from five months of 2008 and include, among others, product category, location of the photo on the page, country of origin of the IP address and product price in US dollars.

Has Missing Values?


Introductory Paper

Variables Table

Variable NameRoleTypeDescriptionUnitsMissing Values
monthFeatureDatefrom April (4) to August (8)no
dayFeatureDateday number of the monthno
orderFeatureIntegersequence of clicks during one sessionno
countryFeatureCategoricalvariable indicating the country of origin of the IP addressno
session IDFeatureIntegervariable indicating session id (short record)no
page 1 (main category)FeatureCategoricalconcerns the main product categoryno
page 2 (clothing model)FeatureCategoricalcontains information about the code for each product (217 products)no
colourFeatureCategoricalcolour of productno
locationFeatureCategoricalphoto location on the page, the screen has been divided into six partsno

0 to 10 of 14

Additional Variable Information

The dataset contains 14 variables described in a separate file (See 'Data set description')

Dataset Files

e-shop clothing 2008.csv6.4 MB
e-shop clothing 2008 data description.txt3.2 KB


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