Donated on 5/3/2015
Survey of faculty members from two Spanish universities on teaching uses of Wikipedia
Dataset Characteristics
Subject Area
Social Science
Associated Tasks
Regression, Clustering, Causal-Discovery
Feature Type
# Instances
# Features
Dataset Information
Additional Information
Ongoing research on university faculty perceptions and practices of using Wikipedia as a teaching resource. Based on a Technology Acceptance Model, the relationships within the internal and external constructs of the model are analyzed. Both the perception of colleagues’ opinion about Wikipedia and the perceived quality of the information in Wikipedia play a central role in the obtained model.
Has Missing Values?
Variables Table
Variable Name | Role | Type | Description | Units | Missing Values |
no | |||||
no | |||||
no | |||||
no | |||||
no | |||||
no | |||||
no | |||||
no | |||||
no | |||||
no |
0 to 10 of 53
Additional Variable Information
AGE: numeric GENDER: 0=Male; 1=Female DOMAIN: 1=Arts & Humanities; 2=Sciences; 3=Health Sciences; 4=Engineering & Architecture; 5=Law & Politics PhD: 0=No; 1=Yes YEARSEXP (years of university teaching experience): numeric UNIVERSITY: 1=UOC; 2=UPF UOC_POSITION (academic position of UOC members): 1=Professor; 2=Associate; 3=Assistant; 4=Lecturer; 5=Instructor; 6=Adjunct OTHER (main job in another university for part-time members): 1=Yes; 2=No OTHER_POSITION (work as part-time in another university and UPF members): 1=Professor; 2=Associate; 3=Assistant; 4=Lecturer; 5=Instructor; 6=Adjunct USERWIKI (Wikipedia registered user): 0=No; 1=Yes The following survey items are Likert scale (1-5) ranging from strongly disagree / never (1) to strongly agree / always (5) Perceived Usefulness PU1: The use of Wikipedia makes it easier for students to develop new skills PU2: The use of Wikipedia improves students' learning PU3: Wikipedia is useful for teaching Perceived Ease of Use PEU1: Wikipedia is user-friendly PEU2: It is easy to find in Wikipedia the information you seek PEU3: It is easy to add or edit information in Wikipedia Perceived Enjoyment ENJ1: The use of Wikipedia stimulates curiosity ENJ2: The use of Wikipedia is entertaining Quality QU1: Articles in Wikipedia are reliable QU2: Articles in Wikipedia are updated QU3: Articles in Wikipedia are comprehensive QU4: In my area of expertise, Wikipedia has a lower quality than other educational resources QU5: I trust in the editing system of Wikipedia Visibility VIS1: Wikipedia improves visibility of students' work VIS2: It is easy to have a record of the contributions made in Wikipedia VIS3: I cite Wikipedia in my academic papers Social Image IM1: The use of Wikipedia is well considered among colleagues IM2: In academia, sharing open educational resources is appreciated IM3: My colleagues use Wikipedia Sharing attitude SA1: It is important to share academic content in open platforms SA2: It is important to publish research results in other media than academic journals or books SA3: It is important that students become familiar with online collaborative environments Use behaviour USE1: I use Wikipedia to develop my teaching materials USE2: I use Wikipedia as a platform to develop educational activities with students USE3: I recommend my students to use Wikipedia USE4: I recommend my colleagues to use Wikipedia USE5: I agree my students use Wikipedia in my courses Profile 2.0 PF1: I contribute to blogs PF2: I actively participate in social networks PF3: I publish academic content in open platforms Job relevance JR1: My university promotes the use of open collaborative environments in the Internet JR2: My university considers the use of open collaborative environments in the Internet as a teaching merit Behavioral intention BI1: In the future I will recommend the use of Wikipedia to my colleagues and students BI2: In the future I will use Wikipedia in my teaching activity Incentives INC1: To design educational activities using Wikipedia, it would be helpful: a best practices guide INC2: To design educational activities using Wikipedia, it would be helpful: getting instruction from a colleague INC3: To design educational activities using Wikipedia, it would be helpful: getting specific training INC4: To design educational activities using Wikipedia, it would be helpfull: greater institutional recognition Experience EXP1: I consult Wikipedia for issues related to my field of expertise EXP2: I consult Wikipedia for other academic related issues EXP3: I consult Wikipedia for personal issues EXP4: I contribute to Wikipedia (editions, revisions, articles improvement...) EXP5: I use wikis to work with my students
Dataset Files
File | Size |
wiki4HE.csv | 97 KB |
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pip install ucimlrepo
from ucimlrepo import fetch_ucirepo # fetch dataset wiki4he = fetch_ucirepo(id=334) # data (as pandas dataframes) X = wiki4he.data.features y = wiki4he.data.targets # metadata print(wiki4he.metadata) # variable information print(wiki4he.variables)
Aibar, E., Llads, J., Meseguer, A., Minguilln, J., & Lerga, M. (2015). wiki4HE [Dataset]. UCI Machine Learning Repository. https://doi.org/10.24432/C50031.
E. Aibar
J. Llads
A. Meseguer
J. Minguilln
M. Lerga
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